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How about time wasting?  

When I was eight I spent my free time going outside and playing or staying in my room and dancing pretending I was a famous singer. If you ask an eight year old right now what he does in a free time he will most probably answer you, I play video games, mine craft and watch movies. A huge problem of technology now is that it takes all our time, not only in kids but also in teens. Teens for example multitask all day and that can affect their productivity in school or other task they have to complete. In Growing up Digital:Wired for Distraction Vishal is a 17 year old that is about to go into his senior year but he hasn't finish his summer reading book because he spender most of his time on Facebook or making videos in YouTube, because that's his true passion and what he wants to study( Richet, Matt 1). In order to get into a good school he has to graduate and get into a good college he has to have good grades and be productive in school. Teens get home and know that there are other things to do other than homework, so they chat, play video games or simply surf the net instead of getting homework done. Most of the things teens are doing in the net is something to pass the time it's not something that is going to help them in school that is what they are supposed to be doing in this face of life.

 I personally admit that technology takes away most of my time and I put it over my homework which I admits affects my grades in school; I could do a lot better if I really focus on homework and studying. When it comes to kids the problems into that they multitask but that they are missing on their childhood. Before technology took over us the way it has right now, little kids had no other option but to go outside to play. But right now they have so many other options that most of them would rather play virtual football than the real deal. The fact that they don't go out and play is not the only problem but they are getting used to staying home and it's concerning how they will grow up. They probably won't do that much exercise, they will multitask more than we already do and what will happen to homework and true effort? We used to know how to use technology effectively in a way that truly helped us but know it seems we are just wasting our time with it and we have a great dependency on it. 

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